Toowoomba Grammar School
150 Year Celebration
In 2025, Toowoomba Grammar reached its 150-year milestone. We were asked to discover a way to bring 150 years of archival content into a film that showed what the community and school had built and experienced over a century and a half.
The creative direction was to keep the film in a clean and journalistic style of Motion Design – paired with an emotional soundscape and composed music. We were supplied with archival imagery and footage, as well as recent footage shot within the School’s museum. Following key moments within the score from Connor Anderson, our motion team brought the film to life.
Following a two-part sound session with Rosco Audio and a tight creative journey with the team at Driven Agency. The film was shown at the Head Master Drinks, an inaugural event at TGS, to welcome new and continuing students and families to the school for the new year. Being such an epic milestone, there was a large gathering of Old Boys and past faculty members – all present at the school grounds or streaming from abroad, with a very emotional look back at the years.
Client – Toowoomba Grammar
Agency – Driven Agency
Creative Direction – RUCKUS Studio
Animation Director/s – Matt Dye, Ricky Marks
Motion Design – Katherine Garcia