Citycat takeover
Brisbane Heat
When Brisbane Heat asked if we could place a gigantic Heat helmet on top of a Brisbane CityCat, we didn’t just say yes—we said, “Hell yeah!”
With the cricket season fast approaching, RUCKUS hit the ground running. We gathered footage of the iconic CityCat and meticulously modeled a massive Heat helmet to fit perfectly on top. Once the design was ready, we composited the helmet into the footage and launched the final piece across social media platforms.
The response? Phenomenal. The video was so convincing that people thought it was real! In just two weeks, the campaign racked up over half a million views, creating buzz and excitement ahead of the season.
Client – Brisbane Heat
Creative Direction – RUCKUS Studio
Animation Director/s – Matt Dye
3D Animation – Matt Dye, Sarah Collier, Bailey Smith
Compositor – Ricky Marks