Fire Country

Wood spins, stones struck, a spark is lit, Country is illuminated. Clap sticks call, a deep low drone travels over land and sea, Ochre is ground, bodies painted, initiation rites, knowledge passes from one generation to the next. Leaders emerge guiding our way as we navigate across Land, Sea and Sky. Dreaming tracks carved out long ago brings new ways, we belong to this land, Country speaks to us. Flames are fuelled by the wind of change, voices rise up, songs are sung – embers fly in the night sky, people gather, celebrations begin, this Country is renewed.

This magnificent artwork was designed for Max Solutions and their 2020 Reconciliation Action Plan. Conceived and illustrated by the incredible Brisbane based artist Riki Salam. We Are 27 Creative asked Ruckus to jump on board to bring their beautiful artwork to life and help tell the story of Fire Country.


 Featured Frames


Client - Max Solutions
- We Are 27 Creative
Agency Producer - Diana Salam
Agency Creative/s - Riki Salam
Creative Direction - Ruckus Studio
Animation Director/s - Ricky Marks
Illustration - Riki Salam
Animation - Ricky Marks
Sound - Voice Plant




Sub of the Day