Money IQ
Financial Basics Foundation
Ruckus teamed up with the Financial Basics Foundation to create a four-part educational web series that simplifies the essentials of managing money. Designed to engage young audiences, the series stars Mon and IQ, two quirky animated characters who guide viewers through topics like earning a paycheck, avoiding scams, and understanding taxes.
From script development and concept design to 3D character animation and motion graphics, Ruckus handled every step of production, delivering end-to-end creative direction from conception to final delivery. This project highlights the power of what Ruckus can achieve when paired with a great client. Our team developed an engaging visual style, crafting relatable characters and captivating graphics to bring the lessons to life.
This project was both challenging and rewarding, allowing us to combine creative storytelling with practical financial education. The end result? An impactful series that equips young Australians with the tools they need to confidently navigate the world of money.
Client – Financial Basics Foundation
Creative Direction – Ruckus Studio
Animation Director/s – Matt Dye, Ricky Marks
3D Animation – Sarah Collier, Matt Dye, Andrew Kimberly
3D Model – Andrew Kimberly, Sarah Collier, Matt Dye, Bailey Smith
Character Design – Oscar Chávez, Andrew Kimberly
Character Rig – Andrew Kimberly, Tess Eden
Motion Graphics – Katherine Garcia, Ricky Marks
Copywriter – Meg Jenkins
Storyboard Artist – Tom Ward
Sound – The Voice Plant